
NEW - Green kombucha now in a can
Green kombucha now canned We have had great demand for our popular kombucha and have now chosen to produce a canned version. Like our other products, VAKKA's Green kombucha is...
NEW - Green kombucha now in a can
Green kombucha now canned We have had great demand for our popular kombucha and have now chosen to produce a canned version. Like our other products, VAKKA's Green kombucha is...

Kombucha health benefits
The Possible Health Benefits of Kombucha There has been a lot of focus on the gut microbiome in the last few years and it is this research that may support...
Kombucha health benefits
The Possible Health Benefits of Kombucha There has been a lot of focus on the gut microbiome in the last few years and it is this research that may support...

Scoby for kombucha
Scoby: The secret ingredient behind VAKKA's kombucha. Buy your scobys and tea in VAKKA tea bar in Elmegade or in our webshop.
Scoby for kombucha
Scoby: The secret ingredient behind VAKKA's kombucha. Buy your scobys and tea in VAKKA tea bar in Elmegade or in our webshop.

VAKKA and Kombucha
Kombucha menes at stamme fra nordøstlige Kina for over 2000 år siden. I dag vokser drikkens popularitet grundet dens unikke smag og mange fordele for helbredet.
VAKKA and Kombucha
Kombucha menes at stamme fra nordøstlige Kina for over 2000 år siden. I dag vokser drikkens popularitet grundet dens unikke smag og mange fordele for helbredet.